
The Institute Leadership Team of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas reacts with disappointment to the Vatican’s recent remarks on the blessing of same-sex relationships.

We witness to Mercy when we reverence the dignity of each person, create a spirit of hospitality, and pursue integrity of word and deed in our lives. Animated by the Gospel and our foundress, Catherine McAuley, we seek to relieve suffering wherever it occurs, and advocate for systemic justice.

Out of our deep and communal commitment to serve and stand in solidarity with marginalized people, we are disheartened to read the recent declaration from the Vatican refusing to allow the blessing of same-sex loving people in committed relationships. We know and love many of these couples as family, friends, and companions in ministry. As Christians, we share one another’s joys, and in this case, sorrows.

The witness of these couples’ love blesses our community and church. It calls us to continue to expand our understanding of the infinite wideness and radical inclusivity of God’s Love.

We will continue to work and pray for expansive, loving hearts until the day we can rejoice in the full flourishing of all.

Yours in Mercy,
ILT signaturess
The Institute Leadership Team