
Age 92

Sister Anne Marie Lennon (Sister Mary Stanislaus) was in her 75th year as a Sister of Mercy. She began her teaching career at Our Lady of Mercy High School and served there in ministry, with brief interruptions, for twenty-nine years. She held a B.S. in Chemistry from St. Bonaventure University, an M.S.T. in Chemistry from St. Louis University as well as an N.Y.S. certificate in Mathematics and Physics.

In addition to teaching, she was Director of the Junior Professed sisters, and served as a member of the Formation Team.  She was actively involved in regional and community commissions and committees for many years, notably in those concerned with matters of government.

Following a third world experience with our sisters in Chile, she chose pastoral ministry as a second career, accepting positions at St. Monica and St. Andrew Parishes.  She then attended Weston School of Theology where she received a Masters in Theological Studies.