
It was Catherine McAuley’s custom to pray two Thirty Days’ Prayers in times of need, for benefactors and co-workers and at the establishment of a new foundation. The following is an adaptation of the prayers.

Merciful Jesus, you inspired in Catherine McAuley a lively conviction of your enduring love. In times of need she and her companions faithfully entreated your help, and they were never disappointed. In this same confident spirit we come to you now.

Because you walked among us, you know our human experience. You have shared our joys and sorrows. You have healed and comforted us, sustained and renewed us. Be with us now in this time of need. Let us experience your loving presence as you grant us this favor we ask of you:

We also ask your blessing on our living and deceased family members, our sisters in community, our associates, companions and benefactors. Show them your loving kindness.

Encouraged by your care for us, we will with lively fidelity devote ourselves to the works of mercy. Through our good works, may your people experience your unceasing care for them. We ask all this through the intercession of Mary, your mother and the mother of Mercy.
