The month of November is traditionally a time in which the Catholic community remembers those who have died. The Day of the Dead, which is deeply rooted in Catholic traditions and the different cultures of the modern day countries of central to Southern Mexico, northern Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize, celebrates the lives of those who have died by intertwining the sacred with the festive.
Coinciding with All Saints Day (November 1) and All Souls Day (November 2), the first date, Día de los Angelitos, commemorates children who have died and the second date, Día de Muertos, acknowledges adults who have died. During these observances, people often build altars known as ofrendas in memory of their loved ones and display photographs, personal objects, flowers and the deceased’s favorite foods.
The Sisters of Mercy are also joining in this tradition of honoring the dead by creating a virtual altar and accepting your prayer intentions of those who are deceased.
We remember these intentions.
- Leo and Marie Jackson, George Magee
- Ted and Magda Larsen; Sisters Therese, Paula, Emily; Jim and Mary Thompson; Aunts Jean, Martha, Anna
- Carol Ann Fisher, Robert Francis Fisher, Victoria Burke, Gilbert Fisher, Augusta Fisher, Bernadette Cohen
- Antonio and Magdalena Caballero, Carlos Caballero, Henry Barron
- Mary and Terry McDonnell, Rita McDonnell, Bettse and Frank Fleming
- Sister Nadine Hargadon, RSM
- My brother, Mark Baniewicz
- Relatives and friends
- Francis J McCabe, Sr., my husband, who served as organist at Holy Saviour Church, Wilkes Barre, PA, Mary and Gerard Lupien and Alfred, Patricia Lupien Mitchell, Sr. M. Nicholas Lupien, RSM, my aunt and godmother, Agnes and James McCabe, and James, Jr., Mary McCabe Stefanski, Claire McCabe Cochran
- My deceased relatives: Francis X. Merlino, Eleanor Merlino, Joseph Mangino, Nancy Mangino, Frances Ginty, John Isaiah Ginty
- My son Joseph Bachmann
- The Florence and Orie Heid and their children, in-laws, grand and Great grand children
- Sr. Ellen Glavery, Joseph Batistoni, Elizabeth Lambert
- My mother, Elaine Consiglieriand dad, John Consiglieri; grandparents, Louie, Catherine, Atiilio, Louisa; Aunties Marie, Gen, Dorothy, Florence, Tillie, Evelyn, Rose; uncles Ed, Al Vick, Ralph, Mario; Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange; sister-in-law Cathy; Marilyn, Connie; Bill, Tess, Beth, Elizabeth, Cindy, Joan, Irene, Jenny, Stanka, brother Louis, Jim Hendry, and all those who I have loved in life.
- Nicholas J. Spelic (son) and Stephen Spelic (husband)
- Agnes Schimscheiner, Veronica Dow, Rita Fletcher, deceased Sisters of Mercy, Joseph Schimscheiner
- Raymond, Frances, Isaac, Wilfred, Barbara – all Weidenbenner(s), Sr. Brian Rafferty, RSM, Sr. Elena Maldonado, RSM, Papo Castanera, Pat Rylko, CR
- my father Arthur Tom, my sister Mary Tom and my aunt Sr. Eleanor Nishio.
- Bennet and Velma Schwager, Christine Kastler, Sr. Teresita Gorman, Sr. Claudette Schiratti
- Ruth Lynch, Sr. Carol Morrison, William G. Morison, Jr., William G. Morrison, Emma Morrison
- Rebecca Clark and Tony Audia
- Antonio and Magdalena Caballero, Carlos Antonio Caballero, Henry David Barron
- My son, Eric who loved music and the Dallas Cowboys
- Algaene Harmon, husband Michael Harmon, son
- Mother Diana Salak – Father John R. Salak – sister LaRae Salak Amos and nephew-in-law Larry Chack
- The Seibert, Quinn and Hendrickson families, Annakay Artz
- Craig Secore
- John Farrell and my family
- Grace Agate, RSM
- My parents… Gus & Anty Piscitello
- Henry and Jean Aigner, William and Helen Hidek, Larissa Osby
- Bruce Seidel, Bradley family, Simon family, seidel family Mimi Connor, Linda Simmons, Evie Mink.
- Terry Hume, Tom Hume
- Carol Ann Lanz, a beloved sister who gave unselfishly to her family and community.
- Tom Blankemeyer, Mary Ellen Kaiser, Richard Kaiser, Kathleen Kaiser
- Mary & Alex Hudak
- Sister Regina Shelley RSM
- Vern and Velma Hartley, Charles and Vera McCloud, Anne Murphy-Springer
- I lost two of my adult lifelong friends this past year. Ms. Madeline Kern and Ms. Judith Scheff. Madeline was 92 and passed away late last year, she continued to provide stage and organization performances (and sang at nursing homes!) into her 90th year; Judith was 90 and died just 3 days before my birthday…no wonder I did not get my birthday call this year! Both women were entertainers…Madeline was a neighbor and pal while I was single; a professional singer, she performed at my wedding and again at our renewal of vows at our silver anniversary celebration; Judith and I were grad school roommates and remained friends thereafter. For some 40 years, Judith performed on stage and did volunteer backstage work in the community theater in Lawrence, KS, where our university is located. Both had a fervent love of life and people and are missed by many.
- Rita Doud
- Spec. 4 Charles J. Patrizio, Jr. KIA Feb 18, 1968
- Jeannette LeClair
- Marie Spence/Betty Meehan/ June Spence/ Carmella Poukish Peter & Jame Meehan/Barbara Bowman. & Charles Bowman/ Albert Chelius/ Alice and Joseph Meehan/John E. Meehan/ David & Eleanor Jackson/ Eleanor Aviero/Ruth & Arthur Haumesser
- Henry, Florence, Ron, Garry Sr, Garry Jr. Riemersma Mary Jo Schuld. Sandra and Donald Andrews
- My parents, Joseph and Agnes Schwendler; my grandparents, John & Mary Standish; my Aunt Anne & Uncle Bill
- Donald D. Dearborn
- Bette Vermette
- My daughter Karen Ann
- Nick and Raelynn
- Sr. Barbara Craig, RSM
- Baby Anthony Porretta (11/28/93); John F Molchen (father); Marie T Molchen (Whalen)- mother; Peg and James Porretta (parents of husband); cousins and Aunts & grandparents; Marion & Chris McCabe (friends)
- Jim Petrone, Sr.
- Katie Kirlin, Helen & Tom O’Neill, Jo & Mary Kirlin
- Robert F. Liebrich, husband n
- Helen & Joseph Kozel, parents
- Decease family members and friends
- My parents Reida and Charles Wilkinson, my in-laws Mike and Marcella Kanaley
- Henry Koch
- Sr. Nora Kelley RSM
- Frank Cavallo
- My mom and dad, Ida and Karl, my sister Mary, my friends Barbara and Patty, and all my relatives and friends
- Kimberly Massett, Lauren Hayes, Patricia Fildes, Mary Mueller, Barbara Jo Hard, Maureen O’Connell
- Joe Harper
- Family and Friends who have passed
- My parents John and Anna Baranowski
- Fellin and Zadra families
- Catherine, Ralph and Richard Fink, Kathleen Reagan
- Deceased priests
- My mother & father, Clara & William Richer
- Our son Thomas J. Hays, fallen firefighter
- Sr. Rosemary Herron and Michael Herron
- Linda Willis
- My dear husband, Victor and my parents, Francesca and Antonio, and all of my relatives that have died in the last two years, in Portugal.
- All of the Malatesta Family…… Sister Mary Timothy Warren RSM, Dear friend
- Sister Ruth Kelly
- Emilia, Olivia, Lupe, Pete, Rey, Mario, Luisa, Lola, Aurelio, Carlos, Cecile, Joanne, Rosanne, Joseph
- Patrick & Mary Morahan, Michael Bradley and James Kelly
- Sr Judy Oliver
- Sister Mary Angelo Lobato, RSM
- Bob Valentis
- Michael Sieczkarek
- Sue and Peter Zografos
- Ada and Arthur Wilke – Parents
- My mother and father, Margaret and Edward Paul O’Connor and my two brothers, Edward T. O’Connor and Joseph Dismas O’Connor.
- Sr. Mary Stanton, Sr. Kathy Green, Sr. Sally Sherman
- 5 Great Sisters of Mercy that I “lived with” at St Mary’s Convent 261 Spring Street in Newport, RI. I will name them here. Sr. Gertrude M. Donnelly, Sr. Elizabeth Bryson, Sr. Irene M. Griffith, Sr. Eugenia Poulin, and Sr. Jeannine O’Brien. I love them all.
- Sister Patricia O’Neil
- Thomas McKenna
- Richard Spanbauer
- Eleanor Rinedoller
- H. Dolores Wilson, Joseph P. Wilson. Sr. Regina Wilson, RSM. Joseph A. Wilson. Leonard C. Wilson, Daniel F. Wilson.
- I offer A Prayer of Gratitude in Mercy for memories that are mine – of my Hispanic Bicultural/Bilingual (Spanish/English) Extended Family of Origin. Our Roots were planted in Northern Chihuahua, Mexico where our maternal Grandfather, Valentin Jesus Gomez was born! Grandparents, Isabel and Valentin; Parents, Mary and Arthur; and Sister Jessie devotedly lived our Roman Catholic Faith – Amen!
- my husband Ted White
- Donnie Lacher, our son
- Dad Delio Rodriguez and Grandfather Higinio Carranza
- Arlene Godek
- Pattie Godek Placek
- Michael Godek
- Anton and Bernice Godek
- Al, Mabel and Al Acamo, Jr.
- Catherine, Jimmy, Joe, Eddie, Frank, Angie, Butch
- Sister Patricia O’Reilly, Sister Mary Becker, Sister Mary’s Becker. Bishop John Kinney
- Joe and Clara Entress, Marita Entress, Martha Miller and all the Entress and Miller families
- Camille and Louis Barboni, Rose Mary Tuttle, Jane and Chuck Kelly, Christine Vannelli
- My sister Rita Ann Fleming who passed away from cancer in 1975 at the age of 43.
- Weston Gordon — a father who taught me to never accept mediocrity in my efforts.
- Carol Wulforst, RSM
- Lois and Russell Johnson, Chuck and Mary Miller, Mike Humphrey, James Brucia.
- Sister Marian Rose Power
- Madonna (Begin) Bartos, Edward Bartos, Sister Scholastica (Agnes Begin), Sister Cecilia (Cecilia Begin), Sister Benedict (Geneva Begin), Sister Martina (Mary Begin), Rita (Begin) Burkhardt
- Madonna Osier, Chet Osier, Sr.
- Donna Gulash
- My sister Mary Dwyer
- Lennox Tougher (Son-in law)
- Carmen Delia Gomez (my sister)
- Carmen and J. Trinidad Vigil (my parents)
- Arthur Rutkowski, Delphine Rutkowski, Jerome Gould\, Regina Gould
- John Monocello, Jr Perrina and John Monocello, Sr Sam and Grace Barzano
- Michael Paradis
- Jill Sanders
- Mommo Geenty Reynolds
- My parents Mel & Mary Ann and in-laws Vernon & Swede…my miscarried child, Andy Gonzales, Kyle Stairs, all family members and innocents.
- John and Yolande LeTourneau
- Poppo Reynolds
- My parents, Mary and Adolph and my cousins Larry, Sr., Larry, Jr. and Becky.
- Kathryn Mary Fitzgerald
- Michael Bell
- Dave Johnson, our daughter in law’s dad
- Daniel McDonald, Sr Phyllis McDonald
- Grace West
- Mary, Edwin and Frances King
- Elwood Boddicker, Gary Eiler, Tom McKenna, Sister Patricia O’Neil, Bishop John Kinney, Father Joseph Weber
- Maria V. Gonzalez
- Hope Davidson
- Lillian Lasica and George Lasica
- Don and Harriet Langel; Sr Mechtilde Hill
- Sister Arlene Semesky and Sister Joanne Deck
- Marie Jarvis
- Joe Conlan Grace Conlan Orville and Lucille Conlan and Kress Families Kurt Richard. Roger Konrardy
- Harold Jarvis, Bud Jarvis, Ralph Jarvis, Fred Tucker, Gerald Chasse, Lillian Chasse
- Thomas Convery
- My wonderful brother in law Tom Flynn – my dear friend Mary Anne Reese
- Lorraine S. Prucha; M John Prucha, Ernestine Colgan RSM, Karen Grady, Mrs. Krisman, Jules and Doris Orabka.
- Rob Nuttman
- Sister Thomas Norris RSM
- Joey
- Rose Driggers, Judy Harris, Maxine James, Doug James, Ed and Frances Jones, John and June Dean
- Rose Schoolcraft and all from Immanuel who have passed this year.
- My sister Phyllis Weems and my brother John Dettore
- Sylvia Comer, RSM
- Stan, Ed. Maryann, Barbara,Sophie,and Vincent Muchat
- Sister Dorothea Murphy, RSM
- Ellen Ober
- My brother Mark Farrell and my father-in-law Eduardo Bayon
- Fresia Toro Fuenzalida rsm
- Marie&Paul Gush, Russ Bigus, Mary&Joeseph Ruddy , Liz Glosser, and aunts and uncles.
- Sr. Camillus Frechette, Sr. Terence Gallagher, Sr. Patricia Sullivan and Sr. Denise Therriault
- Parents, Rita&James; brother James; husband Thomas ; husband Walter.
- George F. Yost
- Martocchia Family, Rev Jerome P Holland, Rev John A Brown, Ann Elizabeth Price, Doris and Ed Olsen,
- Dorothy J. Yost
- Deacon Martin Finnegan
- Gene Sobeleski
- Louis Atripaldi
- Freeman Tam Lung (in-law who died in the Lahaina fire)
- Sr. Diane Davidson
- Jake Addison
- Sr. Sharon Ekler
- Alice and Richard E. Henkel
- John and Cecelia Luciani, John Luciani, Jr., Anna Gowen, Rosamond Ethier, RSM, Miriam Ann McBurnie, RSM
- Bernice and Warren Novak
- Allen Wagner
- Joe Harper
- Dallas E. Dillon
- Cleo Wilson
- Family + Kathleen
- Sister Agnes Boes and my family who are deceased
- Grandparents, parents, brother, sister, uncle
- Eugene Stubenrauch and Joan Martha Oakes
- Patrick Sullivan, Frances Cutcliffe, Aida Sullivan, Hart Sullivan
- James Byrne, Carl McDermott, Joseph Malott, Kathleen & Matthew Pupis, John & Genevieve Tatu, Mary Fala
- Srs. Scholastica, Cecilia, Martina & Benedict, RSM
- Joseph and Carolyn Carroll; Sister Elizabeth Powell; Joel Ziff
- Evan Davies, June Davies, June Reiman, Bill Reiman, Brett Davies
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Flynn, Sr. Tom Flynn, Jr. , Joan M Flynn
- Pocchiari and Fantozzi Families.
- I would like to remember my parents, my sisters and brother and my husband. May they all Rest in Peace-
- All those killed by gun violence.
- Mary-Joseph Tuong Phuong Bui May-11984
- Thomas Griffith, my father
- Josephine Meehano
- William Gearty Centner 24 y/o
- Mother, grandparents, friends, relatives
- harold and catherine okeefe bell, harold and Alice bell,william e mack,carl and janet steenberge
- Henry C. Tellers
- John ruddick
- I wish to honor my parents, Carl and Charlotte Russo, my sister, Elvira Russo Farrow, and the deceased members of my foster family (John and Helen Prinzing, Edna Prinzing Hudson and Sr. Patricia Prinzing.)
- Sister Mary Sophia Newcomb, RSM, Burlingame
- Sister Brian Costello. I remember the year we were in Sicily for the Day of the Dead.
- Vazquez fam., Rentas fam. & Franco fam.
- Mrs. Helen Schertzer & Mr. Robert H. Schertzer & Mrs. Carol Sanchez
- Sr. Maryanne, Matthew, Alma Seymour
- Carolyn Kelly, William Kelly, Fresia Toro, Margretta Driscoll
- Dennis Kee
- Margaret and W. Raymond Whitley
- Adrian Harbison Katkocin
- Mom, Dad, Aunts, Uncles, and friends.
- My parents, six brothers and two sisters and my dear deceased Sisters of Mercy with whom I lived, worked with or were friends with and my sponsor who led me to Mercy. God bless them all!
- Parents Mary and Julius Dargusch; brother Gerald Dargusch
- Eugene Wiederkehr
- Deceased members of the Poeschl and Gladbach families and deceased Sisters of Mercy: Mary Donata McDermott and Margaret Mary Huber.
- Rebecca O’Bar & Dorothy Simpson
- Jeff Lamas
- Sister Rose Schoolcraft
- Ed Sisson
- My wonderful parents, my brother and sister, my friends in Community and all who led me to mercy especially my sponsor, Sr. Mary Richard! May they all rest in peace!!
- Sisters Arlene Semesky and Joanne Deck
- Eddie Hedrick
- My parents, Victoria and Arnold Ciaccio
- Eric Campbell; Joseph Gunderson; Bill Spear
- All my brothers and sisters (Malatesta Family-13 in all) My parents- Emma &Flory Malatesta/Sister Mary Timothy Warren, RSM
- Cathy Thieneman
- Sr. Ellen Glavery, Joseph Batistoni, Elizabeth Lambert
- Lilllian and Gerald Chasse / Marie Harris Fisher / Vic Lessard
- Rita Doud, Sr. Evelyn D
- Sister Audrey “Peter” Clauss
- Stephen G. Juhasz
- Husband Richard, Cousin Sister Beatrice Desmarais, deceased members of Dowd/ Manseau families
- Joanne Garofalo (mother) and Raymond Bucci (Father)
- Lawrence Comfort
- John and Evelyn Smithson
- Bill & Eve Hardiman, Joe & Sue Remy, Jenny Arvan
- Brian Friedhoff that he may find peace and comfort in the arms of Jesus
- Members of the Quayle and Bellew families with gratitude
- Jeanne Virgil
- Ann Greene
- Richard Spanbauer
- Michael Greene
- All deceased Mineau family members and friends. And for those who have no one to remember them.
- My father Arthur and sister Mary. My Aunt Sister Eleanor Nishio and her friend Sister Pat Gimlet
- Philamena & Carmino DiFlorio
- Stephen David Schkurman, my deceased son, and Paul Henry Schkurman, my deceased husband
- Mary Kruger, Josephine and Leo Kruger, Joseph and Gertrude and Mary Theresa Reiss, all deceased of our troubling world.
- Mary & Ambros Quaranta
- Daniel Corazza
- Stella & John Gawlik
- Marion and Jeanette Hartman
- Sisters of Mercy Members of the Mater Dei Band-1948
- Nicola Peck
- Sr. Regina Wilson, RSM, H. Dolores -Joseph P Wilson. Joseph A, Leonard C, Daniel F. Wilson
- Peggy, my sister
- Sr. Miriam Nolan, RSM-Much-loved Sister of Mercy in St. Louis. She was originally from Ireland. She was the Founder of Mercy Conference and Retreat Center in St. Louis and left the legacy of exceptional Mercy Hospitality to all who serve in this ministry!
- Sister Frances Leuke (friend), Rev. Harry Meyer (friend), Helen and Frank Repka, (parents)
- Parents & Grandparents — Bernard Quinn / Betty Rankin — Stella & Joe Cirasolo
- My Loving Parents – Louise “Weezie” and Richard “Dick” Burke
- My family members who have passed.
- Sister Thomas Norris
- Hugh and Eva Campbell
- Patrick J. and M. Irene Quinn, Frances Jane Quinn and relatives
- My deceased family members, especially Sister Judy
- Sister Consuella Sudzina
- Lawrence Kistner, Geraldine Kistner, William Alvut, Frank Jabaut, Jennie Jabaut
- Sr Rose Schoolcraft
- Willow, Winston, Chloe, Dorothy, Richard, Gary, Gail, Tom, Earl, Lois, Doris, Sue, & John
- Sr. Janel Sawatzki, RSM
- My aunt Gilda Armento Curran who died in June at 100 1/2.
- Karen Van Houten, Hilda and Hugh O’Flynn Pat and Emily Flynn, Ginny Joyce, J. Scoren, John Flanagan
- Ken Dulle
- Charles and Mildred Schongar, Abe and Anna Kaiser, Charles and Rita Schongar
- Jane Elizabeth Demler
- Kevin Dulle
- Patrick, Kimberly
- Teresa Shea
- Patricia Ruth Grant
- Albert William “Bill” Jordan
- Brendan Meegan, beloved husband, daddy, brother, uncle, friend
- Robert Emmett Grant
- This year I lost my dear sister Inês Blougouras.
- Rob Grant
- James Mc Dermott, Sister Cecilia Meighan, Miriam Jamelli Sister Daria Bisulca, Sister Martha Hanlon
- Joseph Crowley, Eileen Crowley, Anne and Thomas Bamrick, Michael Bamrick, Suzanne Bamrick, Thomas Bamrick, all deceased members of Crowley and Bamrick families
- Joan Hudson, Mary Rossiter, Nancy Rossiter
- The Lyons and Michaels families
- Juan & Dolores Espinas, Leticia Aquino, departed Espinas and Aytona Relatives
- My Mom, Joann
- My grandma Grace Ellis
- Jessica Kellar
- Fr. Bruce Taggart and Cindy Schuyler
- Bettse and Frank Fleming, Rita McDonnell, Terry and Mary McDonnell
- Celia Oliver, Elizabeth Fierro, Ana Garcia, Sandra Matney, Richard Lorango, Rene Perez, Gloria Fernandez, Billy O’Nei,l Marty Alatorre, Bobby Uribe, Linda Uribe, Raul Escobedo, Debbie Escobedo, Lydia, Barbara, Beatrice, Jenny, Oscar, Dorothy, Becky Lica, Vera, Al, Norma, Blanca, Terry, Bianca, Charlie, Ed, Romaro, Marcus, Greg, Connie
- Sister Gloria Morin, my past friend
- Deceased members of the DiToro, Rizzo, Nolan, Fazzi, Cusella, Falvey, McGee, Hieb and Maggio families
- Alex & Catherine Smith
- Eugene Smith
- Sister Loretta Sullivan, RSM
- Gerald & Anna Dougher
- Sally Wozniak Mulka, my dear sister who died on 10-13-23
- Robert, Christopher, and Michael Reynolds
- Mary Ann Walsh, RSM, Gini Sposito, RSM, Betty Sullivan, Kathy Peplowski, Bernard Sullivan, Peg Davis, Anna Cretz, Bob Veino
- Andrew F. Rockett
- Tom, Bernie, and Shirley Stahl
- Nancy Courtenay Collins
- Linda Willis
- Anthony Runfola, Theresa Runfola, James & Sarah Haren
- Cecilia Courtenay
- C. Robert Bob Fennell
- Bruce Drumm
- my aunt and uncle (siblings) – Catherine Basso Szymanski and her brother Anthony Basso
- My parents, Frank and Hester Blair, my sisters, Fran, Judy, Theresa, Elaine, and Shirley, my brothers, Steve, Jim, Richard, and Preston.
- Mom and dad, other relatives…Zona and Michael
- Bob Nystrom and Todd Nystrom
- Jim (Brendan) Wegman
- Durward and Ana Shaw, Durand B Shaw Jr. Julieta Gibbs, Enea and Rosa Baroffio
- Kenneth and Jean Pietig
- Lucy Morgan
- John J Manganello (father) Terrence J Manganello (brother)
- Anthony La Bouff, Jackie La Bouff, Virginia Penn, Donald Penn
- My parents and grandparents
- John and Katherine Yurik and Barbara Hiland
- Benny Martensen
- Carey McCalla
- Janet M Kramer
- Fresia Toro, RSM and my niece-in-law, Barbara O’Neill
- Leon and Donald Scarlett
- Bruce Seidel, seidel family, Simon and Bradley family, Ray Devenney, Ed Yeager, John Simon, Margie Devenney, Sr Mimi Connor, Tom Connor. Ed Walsh
- Roy Joseph O’Connell, my brother; Daniel O’Connell, my great nephew
- Sister Mary Grace Monroe
- Dorey Lum, Mr. and Mrs. Do Jung Hom, Mr. and Mrs. Lum Fong, Sr. Mary Ann Scofield, Sr. Agnes Orth
- Barbara Craig
- Martin & Catharine Lyons, Nora & Pat Farrell, Sister Rosemary Herron, Sister Catherine Donigan
- John Reidy
- My Mother, Father and Brothers Bill and David McMaster plus my husband, Carlton Dietsch
- Donald Hart-my father
- Virginio and Tina Santelli, Charles, Peter, and Michael Santelli, Virginia and Frank Amico
- Elizabeth Ann and Anthony Christino, Garret Christino, The Fellin Family Max, Mary, Dolores, Frank Betty Ann
- The Setlock and Rotosky families
- Fellin and Zadra families
- Mom, Dad, Mary Francis, John, Debbie, Paul, Marie, Dot, Ray, Peggy, Janet, Mary Rita, Joan, Greg, Joan, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles
- All members of the families: Metoyer; Roberts; LaCour; Landers; Dubuclet
- Sisters of Mercy, all my family friends who are enjoying eternal life.
- My parents, Theresa and Richard Williams as well as my in- laws Andrew Sr. and Martha Bennett
- My beloved husband, Philip (Phil) Gambucci
- Michelle Hughes, David Pereira, Stephen Pereira, Marsha Pereira-Guerra, Estella Pereira, Cecilia Wise
- Edward Michael Danahy, Ellen Mary Lane Danahy, Danahy Family, Ralph and Norma Bliquez, Bliquez Family, Sue Snider, Mary Delaney, Eleanor Mendonca, 1964 Classmates and all those loved ones who impacted our lives.
- Agnes Gibicar, Pat Ricci Mika, Sue Mika
- My father, Harry Hummel and my brother, Joseph Hummel
- Alan Owen Bickel Osborne
- Sister Nadine Hargadon, RSM
- Sister Mariann Horning RSM, Don Horning, Kathleen Horning
- Elvira DeLeo, Warren Dewey
- My twin sister, Cathy Owens Arduini who passed away very suddenly on June 26, 2023.
- Nancy Cahill RSM
- My decease family members and friends decease family members
- Robert M. Kearns
- Sr. Bernice Kurt, RSM
- Nick McDermott, Raelynnn Dobrovolny, Tom Dobrovolny and Joan Dobrovolny; LeRoy and Dorothy D; Lawrence and Albena Kramer; Don Krysl; Tony and Greta Dobrovolny and Dixie Dobrovolny
- My sister Mary Dwyer
- Catherine McKechnie
- I remember my grandparents, Frank and Mary Conlan and Williiam and Florence Kress and their families, my parents Orville and Lucille Conlan, my sister Grace Gassman killed by a drunk driver and her son-in-law Kurt Richard who died of a heart condition and alcoholism., my brother Joe Conlan who died of Agent Orange from his service in Vietnam and my brother-in-law, Roger Konrardy who died of a sudden heart attack. They all rejoiced in their faith and in thanksgiving for the love and tender mercy of Jesus, Mother Mary and the Holy Spirit. Praised be Jesus Christ.
- Mario and Esperanza Pazmino
- Parents
- Christine and Curtis Ward
- Doris and Bill Fields
- Anna Dinter
- Betty Ogan
- Leo Lim